IMG_2319-300x200Welcome to my new blog about Australian visa system. Here you will be able to find useful information about whatever can help you stay legally (or ‘lawfully’ like immigration law likes to call it) in Australia.

You may find it useful whether you need information on to get a new visa that would let you into Australia or perhaps you’re planning to change your current visa and apply for permanent residency.

About me:

My name is Bartek. I’m originally Polish and arrived in Australia in 2003 on student visa that after a few years I have managed to change into permanent residency and finally citizenship. I’m happily married with Angelica, a lovely Korean girl and we both have a gorgeous 8 month old daughter Vivienne.

Due to my long time interest in migration matters and experience from previous migration agencies, I have decided take it to a new level and build my own successful company that could help our clients to solve their visa problems. More details about our offer can be found in “Our Services” section.

About my blog

I will do my best to put new interesting posts on a regular basis. Please keep in mind though that writing about migration law is not a 15 min. job that I can do while on the way to work. It is quite complex area that constantly changes – sometimes a lot. I have to do my own research, check current law and make sure that the information I post is current and easy to understand. And all of this takes time.


I don’t want too formal about my blog but you should be aware of couple things:

– By using my blog you acknowledge that this NOT an immigration advice as defined in the Migration Act and every decision you make based on information provided here is done at your own risk. I have to put down this disclaimer as I don’t know your personal circumstances and what particular assistance you require when reading my blog.
If you have a visa problem that you need to discuss I encourage you to make a booking for a consultation after we start operating (August 2014)

– I reserve the right to moderate all comments

– All comments are more than welcome. Even constructive criticism will help me to build a better blog by choosing topics that are interesting for everybody and currently in demand.

Have a nice read !

By Bartek