student-and-books-300x150Australia is one of the most popular and most respected destination countries for studying. There are over 400 000 students here from around the world including over 200 000 people studying at universities.

One of the biggest advantages of studying here is an option to work legally up to 40 hours fortnightly. For master by research and doctorate students there are no work limitations. All official study breaks, holidays and 1-2 months after completion of your studies (depending on its length) also provide an unlimited working rights.

We have also provided five main reasons why you should consider Australia as your place to study: High standard of living, Australian weather, World class education, Places you must see, Jobs.

Studying in Australia

  • Would you like an agent who really knows schools and colleges he offers (including nationality mix, school offer, etc.)?
  • Are you looking for an somebody who can offer discounts of at least 10-20% to publicly listed college fees?
  • Do you want a free student visa lodgement service?*
  • Do you need a complimentary migration agent’s advice that will explain how to get a Permanent Residency after finishing school?
  • Would you like an agent whom you can call seven days a week if you have a problem?

If you have answered ‘YES‘ to any of the above questions please contact us and we will find a suitable course for you.

Didn’t find any interesting offer on our website? Please let us know as we can negotiate the best deal with most education providers in Australia!

We serve you from A to Z!

*For ELICOS courses purchased through our company 3 months or longer in duration or Vocational courses 6 months or longer in duration. Standard visa application fees charged by Department of Immigration apply.